Date: Wed, 10 May 2006 19:18:30 +0100
From: "Pete Phillipps" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: [LIB] Re: Broken L110 For Sale

Hi Everyone, 

        Matt Hanson wrote:
        <<Well... we've kept ourselves amused with facts related to the
problem with Pete's 110.  But going back to his 2nd post again, I see this
        >Date: Wed, 3 May 2006 02:20:36 +0100
        >From: "Pete Phillipps"
        >        More often than not it won't even boot from a floppy.
        Sounds like the BIOS problem I had with the 110 MB that died on me
and never got going again.  Pete might have better luck parting it out and
selling the individual components, case, battery, LCD etc. on EBay.>>

        A couple of people suggested a problem with the memory chip, so over
the weekend I removed the 32MB module. It booted fine and was still running
fine 24 hours later when I shut it down. I refitted the module and repeated
the exercise and it booted and ran fine again so it looks like the module
had come loose.

        Since I picked up a replacement for this Libretto a couple of months
ago I now have two working Libretto 110s :-) I'm gonna use the now-function
broken one for a couple of days to make sure it is running fine. If it is
I'll decide at the weekend what to do with the second one.


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