On Mon, 2006-06-19 at 22:23 +0200, Murray Cumming wrote:
> On Tue, 2006-06-06 at 22:08 +0200, Murray Cumming wrote:
> > On Tue, 2006-06-06 at 10:17 -0700, Régis Duchesne wrote:
> > > Folks,
> > > 
> > > I sent this patch (which allows to compile the libsigc++ headers with an 
> > > Objective-C++ compiler) to the list 10 days ago, and so far there hasn't 
> > > been any comment.
> > 
> > Sorry, I didn't consider it urgent, and thought it best to give enough
> > time for comments and problems to surface.
> > 
> > > Does anybody need more time to review it, or can we proceed with the 
> > > checkin step?
> > 
> > I've checked it in. Thanks for the perfect patch.
> > 
> > (Please put it in bugzilla next time, like you usually do.)
> Note that we have not released a new version of this as a tarball yet.
> I am worried that it might be causing this problem, when I run a
> Ubuntu-packaged version of glom in an environment that has a cvs-built
> gtkmm:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/cvs/gnome216/gtkmm$ glom
> glom: symbol lookup error: glom: undefined symbol:
> _ZN3Gtk11ActionGroup3addERKN4Glib6RefPtrINS_6ActionEEERKN4sigc4slotIvNS7_3nilES9_S9_S9_S9_S9_S9_EE
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/cvs/gnome216/gtkmm$
> I guess I need to do some more investigation.

nm shows that this symbol is exported:

So I guess we have to roll this change back in cvs.

Murray Cumming

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