Chris Vine wrote:
> libsigc++ couldn't possibly have "standard" conditions relating to whether an 
> entry widget is empty or a check button is selected.  It is relevant to a 
> particular GUI implementation.  libsigc++ could have a generic "observed" 
> class which I now see that Ulrich Eckhardt has mentioned, which is a 
> templated version of the accessor/mutator class I mentioned.  He is the 
> maintainer so it is up to him whether that it is included in libsigc++ (it 
> seems a bit trivial to me), but it will not do what you want.

Yes, but I'm not expecting sigc++ to handle all the GUI aspects.  I expect
it only to provide a basement for this, like it provides signals.

> gtkmm could implement your proposal, but first it does not require any 
> changes 
> to libsigc++, and secondly it seems pointless since you can aggregate gtkmm 
> signals yourself if you want.

I can do lots of stuff.  For instance, I can (in theory) reimplement all
Glibmm.  So what?

> > Currently this is typically done (AFAIK) by calculating condition ``by
> > hands'' and tracking its state.
> It is done through glibmm signal proxies via the gobject signal/slot 
> mechanism.  Gtk+ tracks the state.
> > For a complicated condition you need to 
> > watch the state of several widgets (say, two entries and a check button)
> > manually.  If you forget just one of those, you get errors where a widget
> > is erroneously sensitized/desensitized or shown/hidden.  Besides, there
> > is a separate case of initial state which, ideally, should be computed
> > using the same rules.
> >
> > Currently all is done separately.  I propose to aggregate everything in
> > one object of type `sigc::condition'.
> See above.

Did you look at my code examples?  Conditions vs. custom aggregation of signals
have two advantages: 1) less coding, and 2) less error probability, since
condition is specified only once and you don't have to synchronize condition
and state tracking manually (plus maybe setting of initial state.)

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