On Wed, 2007-10-24 at 22:18 -0300, Mauricio Henriquez wrote:
> Hi:
> Please help me with this, I also have problems to compile some simple 
> examples that I find in a libsigc++ rpm paquage, I try to compile with 
> this command:
> g++ signals.cc -o signals `pkg-config --cflags --libs sigc++-2.0`
> the simple "hello_world.cc" work fine, but I try to compile a second 
> example (at bottom of this message) I can't asociate object method, only 
> funtion pointers (I comment the stuff that don't work to try to compile 
> the rest of the example):
> // I don't know the correct libsigc++ include section, I use fedora 5 I 
> try different combinations
> #include <iostream>
> #include <string>
> // (1) Include the signal system in headers file.
> //#include <sigc++/signal_system.h>
> #include <sigc++/sigc++.h>
> #include <sigc++/slot.h>
> //#include <sigc++/functors/slot.h>
> //#include <sigc++/object.h>
> #include <sigc++/object_slot.h>
> using namespace SigC;

libsigc++ 2.0 uses the sigc namespace. You have maybe found an old
example. The libsigc++ tarball contains working examples for its

> Do you have some working example with compilation instructions?
> In advance, thank you very much.
> Murray Cumming wrote:
> > On Thu, 2007-10-18 at 22:42 +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >   
> >> I tried to compile "simple example" in the tutorial using the pkgconfig 
> >> command and the file provided for it. As under cygwin as under kubuntu, 
> >> it gives me the same problem with compiling. Thoroughly the 
> >> installation of the library(libsigc++2.0) has comen out without any 
> >> problems, and also the tests has been all passed. How do I can make a 
> >> simple compilation as for the hello_world example without using that 
> >> big makefile as in the example directory?
> >> Many Thanks.
> >>     
> >
> > How are you trying to compile it, and what error are you seeing?
> >
> >   

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