On Thu, 2007-11-22 at 13:19 +0000, Simpson, John wrote:
> I'm hoping to use MSVC (7.0.9466) to port some Linux apps to Windows.
> They use Gtk and sigc++. 
> libsigc++ has successfully compiled but I'm having some problems using
> the includes with the app. I'm trying to port.
> There's a bug in VC++ (Q241949) which seems to be indirectly or
> directly responsible for the following:
> type_traits.h(37) : error C2065: 'T_type' : undeclared identifier
> type_traits.h(37) : error C2065: 'N' : undeclared identifier
> type_traits.h(37) : error C2109: subscript requires array or pointer
> type
> type_traits.h(37) : error C2687: cannot define a nested UDT of a
> template class out of line
> type_traits.h(37) : fatal error C1903: unable to recover from previous
> error(s); stopping compilation
> As the compiler has given up at this point and there's no apparent
> mention of the fault in the libsigc++ 
> mailing list I'm worried that I'll fix this problem, then find another
> etc
> Does anyone know about this?

No, I don't think so. But I don't know what version of MSVC++ is
required to build libsigc++.


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