2013-07-26 13:03, Murray Cumming skrev:
C+11 has std::function<> which is a bit like sigc::slot, though C++11
doesn't have anything like sigc::signal<>. I played with that here:

I've noticed that std::function<> works with libsigc++, as in the code
below, but I wonder why it works. Can anyone explain?

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <sigc++/sigc++.h>
#include <functional>

void on_print(const std::string& str)
   std::cout << str;

int main()
   sigc::signal<void, const std::string&> signal_print;
std::function<void(const std::string&)> slot = &on_print;
signal_print.emit("hello world\n");

   return 0;

std::function<> is a functor (function object). Not much more than that is required in order to convert it to a sigc::slot. What *is* required, is that the compiler must be able to check that the return type is correct. That's described at

Your example works because the return type is void. That's some kind of default assumption in libsigc++. std::function<>s with other return types work only if you include /namespace sigc { SIGC_FUNCTORS_DEDUCE_RESULT_TYPE_WITH_DECLTYPE }/ in your code.

sigc::trackable derived objects don't get any special treatment, if they are included in std::function or a C++11 lambda expression. Therefore I added sigc::track_obj(), but it has not yet made it into a libsigc++ release.

There has been some discussion about libsigc++ and C++11 lambda expressions over the last two years or so. I think most of what has been said about C++11 lambda expressions can be directly translated to std::function.


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