Thank you Kjell, I have overlooked that slot<> itself is not movable. I don't 
need a branch for this, can live without movable slots for now.

On 10/23/2015 08:48 PM, Kjell Ahlstedt wrote:
> There are move constructors and move assignment operators for sigc::slot_base 
> and sigc::slot1<> .. sigc::slot7<>, but none for sigc::slot<>. See 
> Adding them would mean 
> adding API, which will have to wait until libsigc++ 2.7.x. Like I say in 
> comment 4 in the bug report, I can create a libsigc-2-6 branch and push the 
> patch to the master branch now, if you want it now, and is willing to use the 
> latest code from the git repository.
> Kjell
> Den 2015-10-23 kl. 14:01, skrev Andrejs Hanins:
>> Hi,
>>      I noticed that both in 2.6.1 and current trunk (cabc88f) the move 
>> constructor for the slot is not selected by the compiler (gcc 4.9 and 4.8.4 
>> tried) even in the most trivial case. Take unit test for 
>> example:
>> sigc::slot<void,int> s2(std::move(s1));
>> If you now do (bool)s1 it will evaluate to 'true'. Also s1() works and calls 
>> foo() as if s1 wasn't moved to s2. I tried to add traces to slot1 copy and 
>> move constructors and indeed only copy constructor is called, but not move. 
>> So, something is wrong here - either compiler bug (unlikely) or some code in 
>> the slot/slot_base/functor_base prevents compiler from selecting move 
>> semantics for constructor.
>> BR, Andrey
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