
I haven't been able to work out if the following is possible or how to
do it from reading the documentation or from my searches.

I have 2 overloaded methods defined like this, which compiles OK:

    int foo(sigc::slot<void, Glib::ustring *> activity_slot);
    int foo(sigc::slot<bool, Glib::ustring *> timed_slot);

However when passing a functor like this:

    foo(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Activity::callback));

The compiler errors because it is unable to choose between the
candidates.  Error is:

    cc-test-0017.cc: In member function ‘void Activity::run()’:
    cc-test-0017.cc:68: error: call of overloaded
‘foo(sigc::bound_mem_functor1<void, Activity, Glib::ustring*>)’ is
    cc-test-0017.cc:34: note: candidates are: int foo(sigc::slot<void,
Glib::ustring*, sigc::nil, sigc::nil, sigc::nil, sigc::nil, sigc::nil,
    cc-test-0017.cc:40: note:                 int foo(sigc::slot<bool,
Glib::ustring*, sigc::nil, sigc::nil, sigc::nil, sigc::nil, sigc::nil,

Is it possible to make this work or will I have to rename the overloaded
functions to be different?


Here's the complete test case extracted from the real code showing the
problem I am having.

/* FILE : cc-test-0017.cc
 * SYNOPSIS: Test ambiguous overloaded functions with sigc::slot.
 * BUILD:    g++ -o cc-test-0017 `pkg-config --cflags --libs
glibmm-2.4` cc-test-0017.cc

#include <iostream>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <glibmm/main.h>
#include <glibmm/ustring.h>
#include <sigc++/slot.h>

int foo(sigc::slot<void, Glib::ustring *> activity_slot);
int foo(sigc::slot<bool, Glib::ustring *> timed_slot);
int foo_internal(sigc::slot<void, Glib::ustring *> activity_slot,
                 sigc::slot<bool, Glib::ustring *> timed_slot);

class Activity
    void run();
    void callback(Glib::ustring * str);

class Timed
    void run();
    bool callback(Glib::ustring * str);

sigc::signal<void> my_signal;

int foo(sigc::slot<void, Glib::ustring *> activity_slot)
    sigc::slot<bool, Glib::ustring *> empty_timed_slot;
    return foo_internal(activity_slot, empty_timed_slot);

int foo(sigc::slot<bool, Glib::ustring *> timed_slot)
    sigc::slot<void, Glib::ustring *> empty_activity_slot;
    return foo_internal(empty_activity_slot, timed_slot);

int foo_internal(sigc::slot<void, Glib::ustring *> activity_slot,
                 sigc::slot<bool, Glib::ustring *> timed_slot)
    Glib::ustring activity_message = "activity";
    Glib::ustring timed_message = "timed";
    sigc::connection c;
    if ( ! activity_slot.empty() )
        c = my_signal.connect(sigc::bind(activity_slot, &activity_message));
    else if ( ! timed_slot.empty() )
        c = Glib::signal_timeout().connect(sigc::bind(timed_slot,
&timed_message), 500 /*ms*/);
    //do stuff
    if ( c.connected() )

void Activity::callback(Glib::ustring * str)
    std::cout << "void Activity::callback(*str=\"" << *str << "\")" <<

void Activity::run()
    foo(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Activity::callback));

bool Timed::callback(Glib::ustring * str)
    std::cout << "bool Timed::callback(*str=\"" << *str << "\")" << std::endl;

void Timed::run()
    foo(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Timed::callback));

int main(void)
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;
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