Hello Torsten,
this does not have to do anything with the cmake. The libssh expose
only part of the functions compiled in the library as public API, which
is list of functions in include/libssh/libssh.h and in src/libssh.map.

There are still other functions that can be used by including other
header files (libssh/poll.h), but these are not guaranteed to be stable
over the releases and may be changed in future.


On Thu, 2019-12-19 at 23:53 +0100, Torsten Kuehnel wrote:
> How can i make use of the ssh_poll_* function family ?
> [tdkuehnel@ multiboot libncot]$ nm -D /usr/lib64/libssh.so.4.8.4
> |grep poll
> 00000000000226a0 T channel_poll
>                  U poll
> 0000000000017920 T ssh_channel_poll
> 0000000000017c10 T ssh_channel_poll_timeout
> 00000000000317b0 T ssh_event_dopoll
> 0000000000032780 T ssh_get_poll_flags
> [tdkuehnel@ multiboot libncot]$ 
> For reasons i cannot figure out those functions do not appear in the
> library. 
> In the src/CMakefile.txt poll.c is listed as part of the library
> sources:
> set(libssh_SRCS
>   agent.c
>   auth.c
>   base64.c
>   bignum.c
>   buffer.c
>   callbacks.c
>   channels.c
>   client.c
>   config.c
>   connect.c
>   connector.c
>   curve25519.c
>   dh.c
>   ecdh.c
>   error.c
>   getpass.c
>   init.c
>   kdf.c
>   kex.c
>   known_hosts.c
>   knownhosts.c
>   legacy.c
>   log.c
>   match.c
>   messages.c
>   misc.c
>   options.c
>   packet.c
>   packet_cb.c
>   packet_crypt.c
>   pcap.c
>   pki.c
>   pki_container_openssh.c
>   poll.c
>   session.c
>   scp.c
>   socket.c
>   string.c
>   threads.c
>   wrapper.c
>   external/bcrypt_pbkdf.c
>   external/blowfish.c
>   external/chacha.c
>   external/poly1305.c
>   chachapoly.c
>   config_parser.c
>   token.c
>   pki_ed25519_common.c
> )
> As cmake is totally new to me, i cannot see any reason for the
> exclusion 
> in either main CMakefile.txt or src/poll.h, src/poll.c files.

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