Den 2009-01-23 07:57 skrev Ralf Wildenhues:
OK.  That way you did not merge the rest of master's current changes
into pr-msvc-support.  I would not have minded if you had done that,
either, but it doesn't matter.

The ChangeLog rotation made it complex (at least it looked complex to me)
and I didn't dare do it like that. I'm fumbling. As usual. And now I
think that was not very smart, with hindsight I think I should have
commited on master and then merged master into the branch.

I'm preparing a merge with master now instead. Just got to run the
testsuite on a couple of $hosts/compilers (sigh) before I push...

One funny thing (funny strange, not haha) is that the ChangeLog entries
from master appeared in reverse order in the pr-msvc-support ChangeLog
after the merge, and I had to fix that up manually. Pure luck I noticed
that one...

Also, I should
perhaps have used a different merge message? I thought it looked ok
in my local repo, but that was only because the temporary branch exists
there, right?

The message was just fine.  gitk --all looks good here.

Yeah, after closer examination it looks right to me too. I didn't realize
that the commit I did on my temporary branch would also make it in the
push. I.e. in my ignorance I thought I pushed two commits, when it was in
fact three. I now see that the only thing different with my local repo is
that the branch I created has a name (or, I should say had, I have since
deleted the branch with "git branch -d")


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