On 16/03/2010 06:17, Ralf Wildenhues wrote:

> Microsoft @sc{dos} and Windows systems.  The @sc{gnu}

  Should capitalise DOS and GNU.

> The Microsoft Vista version of Windows provides increased default

  Should refer to Vista and all later versions.

> and updating of system-wide software.  The level of privileges required
> for some executable program to accomplish its task may be designated by
> the program developer by means of a manifest file (@pxref{Manifest
> Files}) or a compiled-in Windows resource file (@pxref{Resource Files}),
> among other possibilities, and among many other system-specific metadata
> that may be added to these files, such as program icons.

  This is slightly confusing, I don't think it quite makes it clear that
what's going on is that the manifest file can be put into the resource file.
How about something along the lines of ...

[ ... snip ... ]                       The level of privileges required
for some executable program to accomplish its task may be designated by
the program developer by means of a manifest file (@pxref{Manifest
Files}), which may either be installed in the same directory alongside
the executable, or can be built directly in by adding the manifest file
as a binary resource in a Windows resource file (@pxref{Resource Files})
that is included in the executable's final link.        [ ... snip ... ]

> Now, there exists [ ... snip ... ]

> Now, unfortunately, [ ... snip ... ]

> Now, @command{libtool} [ ... snip ... ]

  That comes across a bit awkwardly.  The explanation is correct in details,
just the wording needs a tweak.  Apart from avoiding the repetition of 'Now,'
I'd also suggest rewording to this bit:

> This means, if your executable happens to match any of
> those strings, even if it has no need for elevated privileges otherwise,
> will needlessly prompt for a password, and if granted, work under
> super-user access.

  Complex run-on sentence construction.  How about just

[ ... snip ... ]  If your executable does not need elevated privileges, but
happens to match any of those strings, the OS will needlessly prompt for a
password, and (if granted) run the executable with greater privileges than an
ordinary user application is supposed to have.        [ ... snip ... ]

  And maybe here:

>  It is possible to turn off this hack by means of a
> manifest file or compiled-in resource.

... mention that you can indeed also turn it on (well, request elevated
privilege) for files that have names that /do not/ match the patterns listed


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