On Mon, May 29, 2000 at 11:29:15PM -0500, Mocha wrote:
> # make check | grep FAIL
> FAIL: demo-exec.test
> FAIL: demo-exec.test
> FAIL: demo-exec.test
> FAIL: hardcode.test
> FAIL: build-relink.test
> that was on NetBSD-1.4Y/Alpha (ELF) and libtool 1.3.5. how can in find out 
> why the test failed and track down the errors.

Going through the tests one at a time you can do this:

$ cd libtool-1.3.5/tests
$ VERBOSE=1 make check TESTS='some-test.test'

However, some of the tests depend on other tests having been run
immediately beforehand, and the `demo-exec' test for example is reused
in several contexts -- you must look at the full output of make check,
and list the preceding tests too:

$ VERBOSE=1 make check TESTS='demo-foo.test demo-bar.test demo-exec.test'

That should get you going...


I now consider the 1.3.x branch to be dead, and will be concentrating
on the cvs trunk (1.3c) in preparation for a 1.4 release as soon as
possible.  So you might want to run these checks with a cvs snapshot
from ffii.org (libtool homepages explain how to get these).  I have made
a fair number of *BSD related changes to the  HEAD revision in the
last few days -- none of which I can test, so your feedback would be
very much appreciated.

On the other hand any useful looking stuff you submit against 1.3.5
might be gratuitously ported to CVS HEAD =)O|

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