On Thu, Oct 05, 2000 at 02:20:17PM -0500, Robert Boehne wrote:
> I have a large library that IRIX CC w/ multi-language libtool
> is not happy creating.  It seems that the link line is too
> much for CC to handle.  Is the only solution to split this
> library into convience libs, then link those toghether?
> Let me see if I have THAT straight, in my Makefile.am
> I would need:
> # the main target
> lib_LTLIBRARIES=libTKBool.la
> # archives with about half of the needed object files each
> noinst_LTLIBRARIES = libPart1.la libPart2.la
> # Is this how I make libTKBool.la ?
> libTKBool_la_SOURCES = libPart1.la libPart2.la
> # sources for the noinst archive libraries
> libPart1_la_SOURCES = `about half of my original source files`
> libPart2_la_SOURCES = `the other half of my original source files`
> # link this library in when libTKBool.la is linked
> libTKBool_la_LIBADD = @top_srcdir@/src/TKPrim/libTKPrim.la
> L/sw5/rbo/OCC/OCC/src/TKMath/.libs -L/sw5/rbo/OCC/OCC/src/TKernel/.libs 
> -lc   -soname libTKBool.so.1 `test -n "sgi1.0" && echo -set_version
> sgi1.0` -update_registry .libs/so_locations -o .libs/libTKBool.so.1.0
> ../../libtool[3325]: /bin/CC: arg list too long
> make.sgi62[3]: *** [libTKBool.la] Error 1

Looks good to me!

FYI: In the past I have had success in trimming the size of the library
list by carefully not renaming libraries that are already listed as
deplibs of other libraries that are linked.  That is:

        libfoo.la depends on libbar.la
        libbaz.la depends on libfoo.la and libbar.la
        libquux.la also depends on libbaz.la etc.
If I naively link an application like this:

        application_LDADD = libquux.la libbaz.la libfoo.la libbar.la
The link ine will look something like this:

        gcc ... -o application ... .libs/libquux.so .libs/libbaz.so \
        .libs/libfoo.so .libs/libbar.so .libs/libbaz.so .libs/libfoo.so \
        .libs/libbar.so .libs/libfoo.so .libs/libbar.so .libs/libbar.so

        application_LDADD = libquux.la
will examine the deplibs and produce the much more managable:

        gcc ... -o application ... .libs/libquux.so .libs/libbaz.so \
        .libs/libfoo.so .libs/libbar.so

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