On Mon, Nov 13, 2000 at 08:33:46PM -0800, Michel LESPINASSE wrote:
> * libtool's insistance on using -fPIC for shared objects is sometimes
> annoying. For the mpeg decoder on x86, -fPIC is about a 10% speed
> hit... we do not expect to have many simultaneous mpeg decoders
> running, so we would rather build the plugin without -fPIC, which is
> totally legal. But libtool seems to be built over the assumption that
> noone wants to build .so files without -fPIC...
> This is all with libtool 1.3.3

CVS libtool (soon to be libtool-1.4, and is quite stable) has this

--with-pic              try to use only PIC/non-PIC objects [default=use both]

You could upgrade your libtool and specify --without-pic.

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