Hi Bruce,

On Friday 09 March 2001  5:15 pm, Peter Eisentraut wrote:
> Bruce Korb writes:
> > Is there supposed to be a way to tell GCC/collect2/ld to
> > let me supply my own _init and _fini routines?
> ld -init NAME -fini NAME
> > Or, am I required to have a pre-determined external name that I must
> > reference?  If so, what is the point of _init? *sigh*.
> Actually, if you are using GCC then you probably should use
> __attribute__((constructor)) and __attribute__((destructor)).  Those might
> even work on non-ELF system.
> I think what you were trying to do (i.e., supplying own _init) once worked
> with stock GCC, but somehow it doesn't anymore.

Different compilers implement different magic symbols for dlopen/dlclose 
invocation.  Rather than sacrifice portability to use any particular 
compiler's magic, you should probably define your own system (don't forget 
that symbols beginning with `_' are reserved for the compiler) which will 
work everywhere.

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