On Wednesday 18 April 2001  4:35 am, Alexandre Oliva wrote:
> On Apr 17, 2001, Thomas Tanner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi Gary, Alexandre and the rest of the team!
> Gee!  So you're still alive, after all!  You had got me worried :-)

Wow.  Hi Thomas.  I'm afraid I didn't even list you as a maintainer when I 
redid the libtool webpages... 

> > PS: can anybody please add me to the libtool group on savannah?
> >   my login name is tanner

Nup.  Sorry.  There is no way to log in to savannah at the moment, as there 
is still no SSL certificate =(O|  I'm Ccing Loic, who might be able to shed 
some light, since I can't find any reference to the certification issue since 
the last one was regenerated in February.

In the mean while, I'd be happy to commit patches on your behalf if you mail 
them to the patches list.

> I wish I could.  But I can't even log in now :-(
> This is when I connect using a localhost proxy.  If I connect
> directly, Mozilla 0.8.1 says the site's certificate has expired and
> doesn't let me through :-(

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