On Saturday 21 April 2001  9:36 pm, Matthew Schalit wrote:

> Hi Gary, I gave your patch a try and it didn't work correctly in the
> end, which was odd. I looked at configure, and the patch was corrupted.
> The square brackets were missing:

My bad.  Since libtool.m4 is processed by m4, one level of square brackets 
are stripped (since they represent quotation).  The fix is to double up on 
the square bracket quotes.

> I suggest this patch, which bypasses the
> square bracket problem.  This patch also would go in
> a different place than the one you suggested, up a few lines.

This is much better.  Thanks.  I cleaned it up with respect to square 
brackets, and commited to HEAD and ported to MLB.

> Thanks again,
> Matthew

You're welcome.

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