On Wednesday 25 April 2001  8:33 pm, Alexandre Oliva wrote:
> On Apr 24, 2001, "Gary V.Vaughan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Since I don't want to hold up the release any longer, I am going to
> > break the commit rules and remove all use of the inline keyword (and
> > the AC_C_INLINE) from libltdl before I roll up the release -- unless
> > someone asks me not to in the next few hours.
> I've finally understood the problem, and it seems that removing all
> uses of inline is probably excessive.  We just can't declare functions
> with static variables as inline.  `static inline' (but not `inline
> static') is ok for functions without static variables, as long as
> `inline' is defined away for compilers that don't support it (which
> AC_C_INLINE should take care of).
> Of course, re-enabling inline is not a requirement for the release,
> since we can always re-enable it later.

I have applied and ported so many patches in the last week that I couldn't 
face looking through each of the inline functions to determine which ones 
accessed static variables (it is the access rather than the declaration that 
causes problems if I understood correctly) when a quick keyboard macro would 
do the job.  Please add sorting this out properly to the TODO list so that we 
don't forget to do that after MLB has gone.

My plan is now to wait for the release to arrive on ftp.gnu.org; make the 
release announcements; take a couple of days off (hopefully the first phase 
of MLB merge will have happened by then); sort out the ltconfig-> libtool.m4 
problem for the final phase of the merge; and then to apply any outstanding 
patches and/or TODO items that have built up in the interim and release 1.4.1.

I guess we will be close to a scheduled monthly alpha release from HEAD at 
that point, so we can put 1.4b out there near the end of May.

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