> /usr/ccs/bin/ld -b +h libpng.sl.2 -o .libs/libpng.sl.2.2  png.o
> pngerror.o pngget.o pngmem.o pngpread.o pngrio.o pngread.o pngrtran.o
> pngrutil.o pngset.o pngtrans.o pngwio.o pngwrite.o pngwtran.o
> pngwutil.o   -L/opt/TWWfsw/zlib11/lib/pa20_64
> -L/opt/TWWfsw/zlib11/lib/pa20_64  -L/opt/TWWfsw/zlib11/lib/pa20_64
> /opt/TWWfsw/zlib11/lib/pa20_64/libz.sl -lm -lc 

There's something strange in the '-L' options.  How come three zlib11s
and no libpng12?

> $ elfdump -L .libs/libnpg.sl | grep Rpath
> 4       Rpath 
> Ick!

You might be able to see why the second /opt/TWWfsw/zlib11/lib/pa20_64
occurs in the path using -Wl,-v.

You are correct that "+b" is explicit and there may be times when you
you don't want a "-L" directory in the embedded path.  I wonder if 
libtool could check for a user "+b" option and append the specified
path to the accumulated rpath.

J. David Anglin                                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
National Research Council of Canada              (613) 990-0752 (FAX: 952-6605)

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