>>> "Gary" == Gary V Vaughan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:


 Gary> And that's why people find our version scheme confusing.  I'm not sure
 Gary> how we ended up working in this way, I think we copied it from
 Gary> Automake?  

Tsk tsk tsk.  Libtool used that scheme first.  Automake copied it
when we started to have branches.

 Gary> Anyhow, I'm fed up of having to explain it, when we could
 Gary> just make it intuitive :-)

I didn't understand your proposal, but I hope you are not
planning to make 2.2 < 2.3a < 2.3.  That would be counter
intuitive.  IMHO any numbering scheme ought to work with `ls -v'.
Alexandre Duret-Lutz

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