On 26.09.2003 02:44:28 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>Bob Friesenhahn wrote:
>> On Thu, 25 Sep 2003, Bernhard Rumpler wrote:
>>>When I try to link static libraries, then a warning "Linking the shared
>>>library libgtkhtml-2.la against a loadable module - libhtmllayouthtml.a 
>>>not portable!" is displayed. What does "not portable" mean in this
>> I suspect that this complaint is because the library doesn't have
>> versioning information as part of its name.
>This complaint is because libhtmllayouthtml.la was linked with the
>-module flag to libtool, which means it is meant to be a dlopenable
>module, and on some platforms (Mac OS X/darwin NetBSD/a.out) may not be
>used as input to the linker.
>If libhtmllayouthtml.la was not linked with the -module flag, it is a 

no, it is not linked with the -module flag. Could the problem be caused by
my modifications of the respective ".la"-file, as described in another
message of this thread:

Bernhard Rumpler wrote:
>For now I always have to modify the respective .la files of the
>.a files in the subdirectories, to be able to link them. For this
>I set library_name (?? is this OK??) to the name of the .a file,
>installed=yes and the libdir to the respective .libs directory
>containing the .a file. Not a very good solution, and I'm also quite
>unsure, if this can cause problems.


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