Hi Albert!

Albert Chin wrote:
> On Wed, Nov 10, 2004 at 03:43:48PM +0000, Scott James Remnant wrote:
>>On Tue, 2004-11-09 at 14:24 +0000, Gary V. Vaughan wrote:
>>>6.  Absorb the functionality of the aberration called pkg-config.  Libtool
>>>    already has all the information it needs, we just need to teach it (or
>>>    maybe a subsidiary script) to spit out link flags after poking around
>>>    in a dependency chain of .la files.
>>There's actually a couple of things pkg-config does that Libtool doesn't
>>currently do.  pkg-config's main job can be summed up simply as enabling
>>parallel-installed -dev packages.
> What about non-libtool libraries wanting to benefit from pkg-config?
> This will require them to spit out .la files rather than .pc files.

Nope, to absorb pkg-config libtool will need to be aware of .pc files too.
If libtool can't find a .la file, but there is a suitable .pc file in the
search patch, libtool would pull the flags from there.

>>Principally it provides the right -L and -l flags to link libraries, we
>>can get this from Libtool.  An an improvement would then be only
>>providing the dependency -l flags on platforms that need it, and not on
>>Linux for example.

A good idea!

> Ick. Libtool is about portably building/using libraries. Why can't we
> leave it at that?

But linking against installed libraries using the correct -L and -l flags
*is* part of portably building/using libraries! ;-)

Haven't thought through the -I thing yet though... maybe that doesn't
belong in libtool... maybe we could provide a macro that can intuit
include directories from .la locations... I dunno...

Gary V. Vaughan      ())_.  [EMAIL PROTECTED],gnu.org}
Research Scientist   ( '/   http://tkd.kicks-ass.net
GNU Hacker           / )=   http://www.gnu.org/software/libtool
Technical Author   `(_~)_   http://sources.redhat.com/autobook

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