Howdy all!

I have been converting the popular (with climate scientists) open
source scientific data package, netcdf, to use libtool.

I am rather confused about the version numbers and how they work.

Let us say I release with a version 0.0.0.

Then some users write a program, and link to my library with -lnetcdf.

Then, if I release an update, with major interface changes (new
functions added, but none removed), I would increment to 1.0.0.

Let's say the user gets the update and installs it. He is still
linking his programs with -lnetcdf.

How does the version number get used in this situation? That is, is
there any time on the users machine that the linker notices that he is
now linking to 1.0.0 instead of 0.0.0?



Ed Hartnett  -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]


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