On 15/05/2005, at 12:24 PM, Peter O'Gorman wrote:
It what sense do you think 'it works fine'? How does a single libtool version string get translated into the two possibly different version strings required by MacOS X?

I don't follow what you think is wrong. Libtool's versioning system uses the CURRENT, AGE and REVISION system described in the libtool documentation.

Does reading this thread help?

That link was helpful, but I think incorrect. In one of the messages you have

Now lets release a new libfoo 4:0:2
Current system:
libfoo.dylib -> libfoo.2.2.0.dylib
libfoo.2.dylib -> libfoo.2.2.0.dylib
install_name libfoo.2.dylib compatibility_version 5 current_version 5.0
Proposed :
libfoo.dylib -> libfoo.2.dylib
same encoded information.

IMHO this should be:
Now lets release a new libfoo 4:15:2
libfoo.dylib -> libfoo.2.dylib (for the benefit of configure scripts only)
install_name libfoo.2.dylib compatibility_version 3.0.0 current_version 5.0.15

Possibly, the last line could equally be:
install_name libfoo.2.dylib compatibility_version 3.0.0 current_version 3.2.15
That would have the same effect on Darwin, if applied consistently.

If you set compatibility_version to 5, which is what seems to be happening now, then something linked against the library built with libtool version 3:10:1 will fail to link at runtime, even thought the libtool version implies it is compatible.

I think your 2003 suggestion to eliminate libfoo.x.x.x.dylib is correct. Creating that just results in unnecessary duplication.

Bill Northcott


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