On Thu, 17 Nov 2005, peto wrote:

> Dear conference,
> During compilation of the OO.org 2.0 in Mandrake 9.0 I found that libtool 
> 1.4.3 shows
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] peto]$ libtool --version
> ltmain.sh (GNU libtool) 1.4.3 (1.922.2.110 2002/10/23 01:39:54)
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] peto]$ libtool --config |more
> # Libtool was configured on host hp6.mandrakesoft.com:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] peto]$ su
> Password:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] peto]# libtool --version
> ltmain.sh (GNU libtool) 1.4.3 (1.922.2.110 2002/10/23 01:39:54)
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] peto]# libtool --config |more
> # Libtool was configured on host chello082119109251.chello.sk:
> Can anyone recomend me what to do to work libtool as root for shared 
> libraries 
> because OO.org 2.0 dmake(nmake) works only as root.,please..

You have 2 different versions of libtool on your system.
When you "su" you get a different PATH.
Remove the one you don't want or fix your PATH aftr you "su".

> Thank you for any help as well as finding problem which can be also in path
> I look forward hearing from you
> Yours faithfully 
> Peter Fodrek

Tim Rice                                Multitalents    (707) 887-1469


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