* Jeff Blaine wrote on Fri, Sep 22, 2006 at 06:30:42PM CEST:
> I will try --with-libdir, however I'm immediately concerned
> that it's going to cause an additional problem:  We don't
> want anything we build for /dest to have any references
> to /dest/stow/<package>-<package version> (to use Ed's
> example).

Yes, in that case you probably may not do that.  Note that unlike
--libdir, --with-libdir is not standardized in any way, so I don't
know what effect it would have on packages; in any case run paths
to /dest/... are wrong.

I ask you guys to please dig out an old package that uses (a probably
older version of) libtool and that does not have this issue, and if you
find one, point me to it.  Only looking at it will allow me to decide
whether there is a Libtool regression involved or not.  Thank you.

Other than that, please read this thread:

I've said most of what I think is to say on this topic there as of now.
And I'm (slowly) working on improvement.  Note that any usage case that
is even the slightliest different than those I already know of, is
important to look at, so if you think you have a setup I haven't covered
there, by all means explain it to me (in detail), please.

> Ralf - sorry I came across so frustrated.  I just hate when
> tools stop me from doing what I know is correct.  That is,
> yes, once the app is released, the libraries *will* live
> where libtool wants them.  Just let me install them elsewhere
> and handle it.

Using the DESTDIR approach I showed should get you going.
If not then please come back and complain.  Don't use the --with-libdir
thingy if references to /dest/... are disallowed in the final installed

And please note all the limitations I wrote about in the other thread.

Unless I get more precise data I can only assume that older libtool
versions just happened to work for some special cases; I don't think
they worked for the general case where `prefix' was set differently at
`make install' time.



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