I'm learning more about libtool, but maybe I should
 have mentioned that this source tree is a bit old and 
 made for libtool-1. 
Still works Ok with LT2, except this one pesky widgets problem.
I hate to remove something that worked, even if it's just 
 a plugin for QT3...


On Thursday 05 November 2009 10:12:47 pm you wrote:
> On Thu, 5 Nov 2009, Tim wrote:
> > With libtool-1, no problem, the single .so file
> > is built and works with QT3 Designer.
> >
> > libtool-2, however, insists on linking the runtime
> > library (-lrt) with the .so, hence we get an
> > error that main() is not found in the .so
> Where does the -lrt come into play?  When you compile, two lines are
> printed for each linking action; the first is an invocation of libtool,
> the second is where libtool invokes the linker/compiler with link flags.
> Does -lrt appear in both lines or just the second?  That should help us
> bisect the problem.
> Later,
> Daniel


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