Peter Rosin <> writes:

>> The first issue (i.e., MSC static builds) could be handled by the means
>> in the second point (i.e., project specifying -DGSASL_API="") though.
>> Then there would be no need for GSASL_STATIC.
>> Anyway, I think the block will likely need to be adapted by each
>> project.  I'm not trying to push for my version, just to offer it for
>> comparison.
> The only changes that should be needed is visibility attributes (which I
> didn't want to discuss too much in the already complex text) and the
> obvious s/LIBFOO_/LIBBAR_/ change. What other adaptations are needed?

Probably none, but as the visibility attribute change suggests, there
may be other project specific changes.

> BTW, I think it is somewhat ugly to mention HAVE_ defines in installed
> headers, but since they are hidden behind GSASL_BUILDING it's acceptable.

Yes, I agree, but haven't been able to think of a better solution.
Possibly I could add something to config.h when building the project
instead of having this in the public header file...



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