Hi Nelson,

On Fri, Dec 17, 2010 at 9:09 AM, Nelson H. F. Beebe <be...@math.utah.edu> wrote:
> The recent exchanges about the /usr/local/lib vs /usr/local/lib64
> problem with libtool + autogen + guile gave me a critical clue.  I
> examined all of the /usr/local/lib64/*.la files, and found dozens that
> mention (incorrectly) /usr/local/lib.
> A couple of passes with "sed -i" scripts repaired them, and I was then
> able to build guile-1.8.8 successfully on GNU/Linux AMD64 with Red Hat
> 5.5, but there are still socket test failures on Red Hat 4.8 that may
> be a separate issue.

One final question, what does the output of
   `guile-config link`
say after you have fiddled the libguile.la file?
If you have it newly installed on your down machine "abajo"
then there is still a problem:

 abajo_guile $ /usr/local/bin/guile-config link
 -pthread -L/usr/local/lib -lguile -lltdl -L/usr/local/lib64 \
-Wl,-rpath,/usr/local/lib64 -lgmp -lcrypt -lm -lltdl

The one in /usr/bin seems insufficient and it is not at the
head of the PATH list

 abajo_guile $ /usr/bin/guile-config link
-pthread -lguile

The versions:

 abajo_guile $ which -a guile
 abajo_guile $ for f in $(which -a guile);do $f --version|head -1;done
Guile 1.8.8
Guile 1.8.0


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