
Gerry Reno wrote:
On 04/03/2012 03:20 PM, Bob Friesenhahn wrote:
On Tue, 3 Apr 2012, Gerry Reno wrote:
Hi Bob.  I think it's more of an issue that Android does not need an external 
pthread library.

These projects all compiled and linked fine on Linux.  But when you try to link 
them using Android you get the error I
showed above.

The error is correct because there is no external pthread library for Android.  
 And that is why I was mentioning about
a libtool switch to ignore -lpthread or some kind of conditional that could be 
used to detect Android.
Libtool does not add the -lpthread request.  The configure script for whatever 
project you are compiling added it.
Yes, of course.

The appropriate solution is to port those projects to Android.

And that is certainly an option although a highly intrusive one which for many 
projects is not necessary.
Ok keep project in secret
I mean we have many different GNU toolchain projects that work on many 
different platforms from a single codebase.
Libtool makes adjustments for other types of platforms.  And this is just 
another type of platform adjustment.

If there were many many changes necessary then porting makes sense.   But when 
it just involves one library, pthread,
then my hope is that the tools could make that adjustment.

I also think that this is project issue .
My test with project xxx, configuration process based on autoconf but without libtool, ends with -pthread flag for linux and without such flags for android.



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