Hello Paul,

On 2/6/19 2:21 PM, Paul "LeoNerd" Evans wrote:
Nowthen - my actual question concerns what happens when I am not using
libtool to build my program. Such a case is common when building
C-level integration libraries for dynamic languages (Perl in my case).
I can't get libtool to directly build the code in question, because
Perl has its own build tooling. I can ask pkg-config what it thinks of
the --cflags and --libs to link against the library, but without
getting libtool involved in the magic step above, I don't get the
-rpath argument added.

Have you tried setting something like

CC='libtool cc'
CFLAGS='--mode=compile -some -other -flags -youd -use'
LDFLAGS='--mode=link -some -further -link -flags'


Regards, Thomas
Thomas Jahns
Abteilung Anwendungssoftware

Deutsches Klimarechenzentrum GmbH
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Phone:  +49 40 460094-151
Fax:    +49 40 460094-270
Email:  Thomas Jahns <ja...@dkrz.de>
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