I have the following issue: libtool 2.4.6 is called indirectly through configure (and make, in a proces of building a complex application with specialized libraries, at the stage of building of one of these libraries).
I use Intel 2024.0.0 compiler (this choice is dictated mainly by the HPC platform I use). I also use bunch of compiler switches with -pthread and suggestions of threaded libraries to be used at link stage (in -l and -L, with --as-needed). All this stuff is passed through dedicated variables according to requirements of specialized conifgure scripts and all the switches correctly end up in the command line in a call to libtool. Unfortunately this combination causes libtool to add '-threads' switch which is not recognized by the Intel 2024.0.0 icx C compiler and the building process fails. (Command line written to log by configure doesn't contain this '-threads' switch, while the next message given by the libtool already mentions this '-threads' switch - this seems to proove that '-threads' is added by libtool.) I have 2 Qs here: - What is (in short/sketch) the set of conditions that causes libtoool to add this switch '-threads' (or where may I read about it)? - Should I look for solution of this problem here in libtool GNUs' world or in the Intel's world? PS. Please let me know if it is ill posed problem at all or if you don't discuss issues involving non-GNU compilers at all. BR wint