Hi Sarah,

On Fri, Oct 11, 2013 at 05:43:49AM +0800, Sarah Sharp wrote:
> Hi Sipter and Marcus,
> Xenia has a potential fix for a long-standing bug in the xHCI driver,
> and I need your help testing it.  You ran into that bug back in Feb
> 2013:
> http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?thread_name=CAGjSPUAQ8phZFu9dj60wt9zZpoghcQMVUAwgd2y3NvLmiAZH7Q%40mail.gmail.com&forum_name=libusbx-devel
> The issue was that gphoto2 unconditionally cleared a halt on all
> endpoints after the camera was closed.  This triggered a bug in the xHCI
> driver, making it so gphoto2 couldn't talk to the device on a subsequent
> open.  You worked around the issue by removing the clear halt in
> gphoto2.
> Now Xenia has a potential fix for that bug, and she needs help testing
> that fix.  Would it be possible to add that clear halt back into
> gphoto2, apply the following two kernel patches, and make sure gphoto2
> still works?
> http://marc.info/?l=linux-usb&m=138116117104619&w=2
> http://marc.info/?l=linux-usb&m=138116117204620&w=2
> Hi Pratyush,
> I believe you also ran into this issue back in Sept 2012, when you were
> running usbtest #13 (Endpoint Halt Test) under a TI xHCI host.  The
> tests failed for devices under xHCI.  If you can still reproduce that
> issue, can you try the test again with the two patches?

Was on leave.
Hopefully should be able to get that platform. Will reproduce the
issue and test with these patches.

> Hi Yuliya,
> You ran into this issue as well, back in Oct 2012.  You added a set
> interface to your driver to work around the issue.  If you're still
> working on that code, can you take the set interface out, test these two
> patches, and let me know if your device works?
> Thanks,
> Sarah Sharp

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