
I am trying to run libusbx on an unrooted android phone (Sony Ericson Xperia 
Active (Android 4.0.4)). But I have hit a major problem I cannot open the 
device. After looking at the libusbx code I can see that even though I know the 
device address and vid+pid I hit an error as [libusb_open] open 1.2 returns -3. 
(see debug code below). I do not have root access to my phone and I thought 
libusbx did not need this. I have found out that the problem arises because I 
only have drwxr-xr-x access to the folder /dev/bus when I check it throug the 
adb. I can get file descriptors (fd) through both libusbx and the android 
library UsbDeviceConnection.getFileDescriptor() but I cannot figure out where 
to pass the latter fd to libusbx in order to use it to open the device.

Anyway I altered the libusbx code abit in order to figure out what is going on. 
Maybe I first should mention that I am a novice in Android coding incl. java 
and C. I only started looking into it 3 months ago. So the well dokumented 
libusbx code has been a great help and I hope I have not messed the code up. I 
hope somebody is able to give advice as I would relly like to be able to run an 
isochronous device on my phone.

One idea I have is if libusbx really need write access. I found this ex. of the 
android code 
 where under the struct usb_device *usb_device_open(const char *dev_name) 
checks for only read access. Maybe that is an solution I just have not figured 
out how to change the libusbx code to fit it.

Thanks in advance,
Rasmus (RBL)

My own code:

jint Java_dk_artris_Flagermus_USBInfo_usbConnect(JNIEnv* env, jobject thiz) {
 jint USB = 0;
 __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_INFO, "USBInfo_usbConnect", "-- initialising 
libusb --");
 USB = libusb_init(NULL);
 if (USB == 0) {
 __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_INFO, "USBInfo_usbConnect", "-- libusb 
initialised --");
 } else {
 __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_INFO, "USBInfo_usbConnect", "-- libusb error: 
%i --", USB);

 //try to find the device to use
 __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_INFO, "USBInfo_usbConnect", "-- trying to find 
device --");
 libusb_device **list;
 libusb_device *found = NULL;
 ssize_t cnt = libusb_get_device_list(NULL, &list);
 ssize_t i = 0;
 int err = 0;
 if (cnt < 0)
 __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_ERROR, "USBInfo_usbConnect", "-- No devices 
found --");

 for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++) {
 libusb_device *device = list[i];
 __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_INFO, "USBInfo_usbConnect", "-- Device found: 
%p --", device);
 if (device) {
 found = device;
 __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_INFO, "USBInfo_usbConnect", "-- %p --", 

 if (found) {
 libusb_device_handle *handle;

 err = libusb_open(found, &handle);
 if (err == 0)
 __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_INFO, "USBInfo_usbConnect", "-- Opened device 
(%p) so err should be 0. err is: %i --", found, err);
 else {
 // etc
 __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_INFO, "USBInfo_usbConnect", "-- Device (%p) 
not opened and err is: %i --", found, err);
 //try to directly open device
 handle = libusb_open_device_with_vid_pid(NULL, 0x0869, 0x0306);
 if (handle != 0) __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_INFO, "USBInfo_usbConnect", 
"-- Opened device directly and handle is: %d --", handle);
 else __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_INFO, "USBInfo_usbConnect", "-- Device 
(%p) not opened and handle: %i --", found, err);

 libusb_free_device_list(list, 1);

 return USB;


The altered code:

In linux_uabfs.c:

static int check_usb_vfs(const char *dirname)
 DIR *dir;
 struct dirent *entry;
 int found = 0;

 usbi_dbg("Test of check_usb_vfs: %s", dirname); //RBL
 dir = opendir(dirname);
 usbi_dbg("Test of opendir in check_usb_vfs: %s", dirname); //RBL
 if (!dir) {
 usbi_dbg("No dir in check_usb_vfs"); //RBL
 return 0;

 while ((entry = readdir(dir)) != NULL) {
 if (entry->d_name[0] == '.')

 /* We assume if we find any files that it must be the right place */
 found = 1;

 usbi_dbg("Test of found in check_usb_vfs: %i", found); //RBL
 return found;

static const char *find_usbfs_path(void)
 const char *path = "/dev/bus/usb";
 const char *ret = NULL;

 if (check_usb_vfs(path)) {
 ret = path;
 } else {
 path = "/proc/bus/usb";
 if (check_usb_vfs(path))
 ret = path;

 /* look for /dev/usbdev*.* if the normal places fail */
 if (ret == NULL) {
 usbi_dbg("Ret still = %i in find_usbfs_path", ret); //RBL
 struct dirent *entry;
 DIR *dir;

 path = "/dev";
 dir = opendir(path);
 if (dir != NULL) {
 usbi_dbg("Found /dev in find_usfs_path"); //RBL
 while ((entry = readdir(dir)) != NULL) {
 if (_is_usbdev_entry(entry, NULL, NULL)) {
 /* found one; that's enough */
 ret = path;
 usbi_dbg("Did find /dev/usbdev in find_usbfs_path"); //RBL
 usbdev_names = 1;

 if (ret != NULL)
 usbi_dbg("found usbfs at %s", ret);

 ret = "/dev/bus/usb"; //RBL
 return ret;

In core.c:

libusb_device_handle * LIBUSB_CALL libusb_open_device_with_vid_pid(
 libusb_context *ctx, uint16_t vendor_id, uint16_t product_id)
 struct libusb_device **devs;
 struct libusb_device *found = NULL;
 struct libusb_device *dev;
 struct libusb_device_handle *handle = NULL;
 size_t i = 0;
 int r;

 if (libusb_get_device_list(ctx, &devs) < 0)
 return NULL;

 while ((dev = devs[i++]) != NULL) {
 struct libusb_device_descriptor desc;
 r = libusb_get_device_descriptor(dev, &desc);
 usbi_dbg("r is: %i", r); //RBL
 if (r < 0)
 goto out;
 if (desc.idVendor == vendor_id && desc.idProduct == product_id) {
 found = dev;
 usbi_dbg("Found dev: %p", dev); //RBL

 if (found) {
 r = libusb_open(found, &handle);
 usbi_dbg("r is %i after found", r); //RBL
 if (r < 0)
 handle = NULL;

 libusb_free_device_list(devs, 1);
 return handle;

And the debug file:

D/kernel ( 140): [252422.790161] msm_otg_resume: usb exited from low power mode
D/kernel ( 140): [252422.841308] bq24185 0-006b: Set safety timer to disable
D/kernel ( 140): [252422.842559] bq24185 0-006b: Enabling boost mode
D/kernel ( 140): [252422.944488] msm_hsusb_host msm_hsusb_host.0: Qualcomm 
On-Chip EHCI Host Controller
D/kernel ( 140): [252422.944671] msm_hsusb_host msm_hsusb_host.0: new USB bus 
registered, assigned bus number 1
D/kernel ( 140): [252422.945526] msm_hsusb_host msm_hsusb_host.0: irq 60, io 
base 0xa3600000
D/kernel ( 140): [252422.945800] usb usb1: New USB device found, idVendor=1d6b, 
D/kernel ( 140): [252422.945831] usb usb1: New USB device strings: Mfr=3, 
Product=2, SerialNumber=1
D/kernel ( 140): [252422.945892] usb usb1: Product: Qualcomm On-Chip EHCI Host 
D/kernel ( 140): [252422.945922] usb usb1: Manufacturer: Linux -perf ehci_hcd
D/kernel ( 140): [252422.945983] usb usb1: SerialNumber: msm_hsusb_host.0
D/kernel ( 140): [252422.961975] usb usb1: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice
D/kernel ( 140): [252422.970825] hub 1-0:1.0: USB hub found
D/kernel ( 140): [252422.970916] hub 1-0:1.0: 1 port detected
D/kernel ( 140): [252424.387390] usb 1-1: new full speed USB device using 
msm_hsusb_host and address 2
E/kernel ( 140): [252424.549621] usb 1-1: device v0869 p0306 is not supported
D/kernel ( 140): [252424.549713] usb 1-1: New USB device found, idVendor=0869, 
D/kernel ( 140): [252424.549743] usb 1-1: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, 
Product=2, SerialNumber=3
D/kernel ( 140): [252424.549804] usb 1-1: Product: UltraMic 250K 16 bit r2
D/kernel ( 140): [252424.549835] usb 1-1: Manufacturer: DODOTRONIC Technology .
D/kernel ( 140): [252424.562133] usb 1-1: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice
I/ActivityManager( 283): START {flg=0x10000000 
cmp=com.android.systemui/.usb.UsbConfirmActivity (has extras)} from pid 283
I/ActivityManager( 283): Displayed 
com.android.systemui/.usb.UsbConfirmActivity: +87ms
D/dalvikvm( 1495): GC_CONCURRENT freed 399K, 29% free 7836K/11015K, paused 
I/ActivityManager( 283): No longer want dk.artris.flagermus (pid 18608): hidden 
I/WindowManager( 283): WIN DEATH: Window{2c0acc30 
dk.artris.flagermus/dk.artris.flagermus.Main paused=false}
D/dalvikvm( 1495): GC_CONCURRENT freed 386K, 29% free 7886K/11015K, paused 
I/ActivityManager( 283): START 
{act=android.hardware.usb.action.USB_DEVICE_ATTACHED flg=0x10000000 
cmp=dk.artris.flagermus/.USBInfo (has extras)} from pid 366
D/dalvikvm(19632): Late-enabling CheckJNI
I/ActivityManager( 283): Start proc dk.artris.flagermus for activity 
dk.artris.flagermus/.USBInfo: pid=19632 uid=10058 gids={1015}
D/dalvikvm(19632): Trying to load lib 
/mnt/asec/dk.artris.flagermus-2/lib/libusb1.0.so http://libusb1.0.so&lang=en  
D/dalvikvm(19632): Added shared lib 
/mnt/asec/dk.artris.flagermus-2/lib/libusb1.0.so http://libusb1.0.so&lang=en  
D/USBInfo (19632): FindClass found: 50C00019
I/USBInfo_usbConnect(19632): -- initialising libusb --
D/libusb (19632): [timestamp] [threadID] facility level [function call] 
D/libusb (19632): 
D/libusb (19632): [ 0.000000] [00004cb0] libusbx: debug [libusb_init] created 
default context
D/libusb (19632): [ 0.000031] [00004cb0] libusbx: debug [libusb_init] libusbx 
D/libusb (19632): [ 0.000061] [00004cb0] libusbx: debug [check_usb_vfs] Test of 
check_usb_vfs: /dev/bus/usb
D/libusb (19632): [ 0.000122] [00004cb0] libusbx: debug [check_usb_vfs] Test of 
opendir in check_usb_vfs: /dev/bus/usb
D/libusb (19632): [ 0.000153] [00004cb0] libusbx: debug [check_usb_vfs] No dir 
in check_usb_vfs
D/libusb (19632): [ 0.000153] [00004cb0] libusbx: debug [check_usb_vfs] Test of 
check_usb_vfs: /proc/bus/usb
D/libusb (19632): [ 0.000214] [00004cb0] libusbx: debug [check_usb_vfs] Test of 
opendir in check_usb_vfs: /proc/bus/usb
D/libusb (19632): [ 0.000214] [00004cb0] libusbx: debug [check_usb_vfs] No dir 
in check_usb_vfs
D/libusb (19632): [ 0.000244] [00004cb0] libusbx: debug [find_usbfs_path] Ret 
still = 0 in find_usbfs_path
D/libusb (19632): [ 0.000244] [00004cb0] libusbx: debug [find_usbfs_path] Found 
/dev in find_usfs_path
D/libusb (19632): [ 0.000671] [00004cb0] libusbx: debug [op_init] bulk 
continuation flag supported
D/libusb (19632): [ 0.000702] [00004cb0] libusbx: debug [op_init] zero length 
packet flag supported
D/libusb (19632): [ 0.000763] [00004cb0] libusbx: debug [op_init] sysfs can 
relate devices
D/libusb (19632): [ 0.000763] [00004cb0] libusbx: debug [op_init] sysfs has 
complete descriptors
D/libusb (19632): [ 0.001007] [00004cb0] libusbx: debug 
[linux_get_device_address] getting address for device: usb1 detached: 0
D/libusb (19632): [ 0.001007] [00004cb0] libusbx: debug 
[linux_get_device_address] scan usb1
D/libusb (19632): [ 0.001282] [00004cb0] libusbx: debug 
[linux_get_device_address] bus=1 dev=1
D/libusb (19632): [ 0.001312] [00004cb0] libusbx: debug 
[linux_enumerate_device] busnum 1 devaddr 1 session_id 257
D/libusb (19632): [ 0.001312] [00004cb0] libusbx: debug 
[linux_enumerate_device] allocating new device for 1/1 (session 257)
D/libusb (19632): [ 0.001495] [00004cb0] libusbx: debug 
[linux_get_device_address] getting address for device: 1-1 detached: 0
D/libusb (19632): [ 0.001495] [00004cb0] libusbx: debug 
[linux_get_device_address] scan 1-1
D/libusb (19632): [ 0.001648] [00004cb0] libusbx: debug 
[linux_get_device_address] bus=1 dev=2
D/libusb (19632): [ 0.001679] [00004cb0] libusbx: debug 
[linux_enumerate_device] busnum 1 devaddr 2 session_id 258
D/libusb (19632): [ 0.001679] [00004cb0] libusbx: debug 
[linux_enumerate_device] allocating new device for 1/2 (session 258)
D/libusb (19632): [ 0.001801] [00004cb0] libusbx: debug [linux_get_parent_info] 
Dev 0x2359c0 (1-1) has parent 0x1f9df0 (usb1) port 1
D/libusb (19632): [ 0.001862] [00004cb0] libusbx: debug [usbi_add_pollfd] add 
fd 58 events 1
D/libusb (19632): [ 0.001892] [00004cb0] libusbx: debug [usbi_add_pollfd] add 
fd 60 events 1
I/USBInfo_usbConnect(19632): -- libusb initialised --
I/USBInfo_usbConnect(19632): -- trying to find device --
D/libusb (19632): [ 0.001923] [00004cb0] libusbx: debug [libusb_get_device_list]
I/USBInfo_usbConnect(19632): -- Device found: 0x2359c0 --
I/USBInfo_usbConnect(19632): -- 0x2359c0 --
I/USBInfo_usbConnect(19632): -- Device found: 0x1f9df0 --
I/USBInfo_usbConnect(19632): -- 0x1f9df0 --
D/libusb (19632): [ 0.001953] [00004cb0] libusbx: debug [libusb_open] open 1.1
E/libusb (19632): [ 0.002014] [00004cb0] libusbx: error [_get_usbfs_fd] libusbx 
couldn't open USB device /dev/bus/usb/001/001: Permission denied
E/libusb (19632): [ 0.002014] [00004cb0] libusbx: error [_get_usbfs_fd] libusbx 
requires write access to USB device nodes.
D/libusb (19632): [ 0.002014] [00004cb0] libusbx: debug [libusb_open] open 1.1 
returns -3
I/USBInfo_usbConnect(19632): -- Device (0x1f9df0) not opened and err is: -3 --
D/libusb (19632): [ 0.002045] [00004cb0] libusbx: debug [libusb_get_device_list]
D/libusb (19632): [ 0.002075] [00004cb0] libusbx: debug 
D/libusb (19632): [ 0.002075] [00004cb0] libusbx: debug 
[libusb_open_device_with_vid_pid] r is: 0
D/libusb (19632): [ 0.002075] [00004cb0] libusbx: debug 
[libusb_open_device_with_vid_pid] Found dev: 0x2359c0
D/libusb (19632): [ 0.002106] [00004cb0] libusbx: debug [libusb_open] open 1.2
E/libusb (19632): [ 0.002106] [00004cb0] libusbx: error [_get_usbfs_fd] libusbx 
couldn't open USB device /dev/bus/usb/001/002: Permission denied
E/libusb (19632): [ 0.002136] [00004cb0] libusbx: error [_get_usbfs_fd] libusbx 
requires write access to USB device nodes.
D/libusb (19632): [ 0.002136] [00004cb0] libusbx: debug [libusb_open] open 1.2 
returns -3
D/libusb (19632): [ 0.002136] [00004cb0] libusbx: debug 
[libusb_open_device_with_vid_pid] r is -3 after found
I/USBInfo_usbConnect(19632): -- Device (0x1f9df0) not opened and handle: -3 --
D/TextLayoutCache(19632): Using debug level: 0 - Debug Enabled: 0
D/libEGL (19632): loaded /system/lib/egl/libGLES_android.so 
D/libEGL (19632): loaded /system/lib/egl/libEGL_adreno200.so 
D/libEGL (19632): loaded /system/lib/egl/libGLESv1_CM_adreno200.so 
D/libEGL (19632): loaded /system/lib/egl/libGLESv2_adreno200.so 
D/OpenGLRenderer(19632): Enabling debug mode 0
D/dalvikvm( 283): GC_EXPLICIT freed 939K, 19% free 18838K/23111K, paused 
W/InputManagerService( 283): Starting input on non-focused client 
com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@2beee728 (uid=10105 
I/ActivityManager( 283): Displayed dk.artris.flagermus/.USBInfo: +641ms
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