On Sun, 27 Oct 2013, Chris McClelland wrote:

> Hello libusbx-devel,
> Firstly, apologies for the long email!
> Today I discovered a weird problem with my FPGALink library on my Raspberry
> Pi, running Raspbian 2013-09-25 (with the stock armhf/armv6l libusbx-1.0.11
> package provided by Raspbian):
> $ uname -a
> Linux raspberrypi 3.6.11+ #538 PREEMPT Fri Aug 30 20:42:08 BST 2013 armv6l
> GNU/Linux
> I reproduced the problem with kernel USB sniffing and libusbx-1.0.17 built
> from source with debug enabled.
> At this stage I would like someone with more experience to have a look at
> my log-files:
> https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/80983693/pi.tar.bz2

It seems clear from the traces that this isn't a problem in libusb.  
The RPi really did not receive the missing data.

> Basically, the test involves a Xilinx FPGA and a 16MiB SDRAM connected to
> the RPi via a Cypress FX2, connected either directly or via an
> Akasa-branded powered hub. I write 16MiB of random binary data over USB to
> the SDRAM, then read it back and compare the "in" and "out" data. I control
> the FX2 firmware, the FPGA design and all the code above libusbx. I cannot
> get it to fail (with or without the hub) on my main development machine
> (Linux x64), nor my laptop (Windows 8 x64). Similarly I cannot get it to
> fail if I connect the FX2 directly to the RPi. However, if I connect the
> FX2 to the RPi via the hub, it fails like 95% of the time. The hub
> enumerates as a pair of "058F:6254 Alcor Micro Corp. USB Hub" devices.

Obviously the hub is messing things up.

> The code is single-threaded, and sits in a loop, using the libusbx async
> API: libusb_submit_transfer() and libusb_handle_events_timeout_completed().
> It reads the entire 16MiB block in 64KiB chunks. First submit an
> EP2OUT-transfer: send a five-byte "read" command (i.e logical channel
> number & length in bytes) to the FPGA. Then submit an EP6IN-transfer:
> receive the 64KiB of data sent back by the FPGA, and write it to a file. Do
> that in a loop, maintaining a "submit depth" of two. Something like:
> libusb_submit_transfer(OUT: 5-byte command to bulk endpoint 2)
> libusb_submit_transfer(IN: 64 KiB data from bulk endpoint 6)
> while ( not yet requested the full 16 MiB ) {
>   libusb_submit_transfer(OUT: 5-byte command to bulk endpoint 2)
>   libusb_submit_transfer(IN: 64 KiB data from bulk endpoint 6)
>   libusb_handle_events_timeout_completed(EP2OUT ack)
>   libusb_handle_events_timeout_completed(EP6IN data)
>   write chunk N to file
> }
> libusb_handle_events_timeout_completed(EP2OUT ack)
> libusb_handle_events_timeout_completed(EP6IN data)
> write last chunk to file
> When connected via the hub, sometimes on rare occasions, the readback
> completes successfully, but most of the time, some (~4) 1KiB-blocks out of
> the 16MiB total are silently dropped, with no apparent error, and the final
> handle_events() call hangs waiting for completion of the final read, which
> never comes. The 1KiB blocks are dropped from random positions, but always
> on 512-byte boundaries, so if I use hexdump to get text files with 512
> bytes per line from the "in" and "out" binary data, I can diff them and get
> something like this:
> 11866,11867d11865 (1024 bytes dropped)
> <
> 6609879B30036BA387D2CF1C2B913B80A4E3102E69BA93D5F67E96E02F29C385251DBDC670...
> <
> 0FBD8CBD064F704278A7241E3772E0F79F0E7B12DC0BE9951D2CC01EDB083AADEB682490C3...
> 17155,17156d17152 (1024 bytes dropped)
> <
> A50012D2ED25FC586E2C510E0276F80226A7114A0E17A906C40AF45092028CB41569F10A5D...
> <
> E85EFB1F7EF6B32F988DA8147608682420E7096C87F650530A4F4D3AD733ED30C375F0EA67...
> 28881,28882d28876 (1024 bytes dropped)
> <
> A58544550EDDF84FBB8CD6B5652DE1261789DD83B5AB886A0BD6B5FF8CCAF88BE4FF290F3F...
> <
> 203F0E6EC12A52DA5B667E1CC2F479FB997FC9E7DDDC65BC0C4B12E1273958D0BD7C59C35B...
> 31594,31595d31587 (1024 bytes dropped)
> <
> 80C3E7C1FF61B2A10D0019030C363FD6F2892CE9FD47B95932140B731847330E853873696C...
> <
> 0418845C72CE8B2253D215101263866FA75EBE1F608F82D169418C6C31F477D0745885F574...
> 32649,32768d32640 (the final 64KiB read never completes)
> <
> A29EF552E1BC31D47B8AEBE28A26B661B1D04D3E542E3330D94D6D0393FBCD0C802B83D188...
> <
> F49281244CCD19BC6D88B7F35F9942D97833F9D76E349EDB3D23A454D5575D4AF2FFA80250...
> <
> DA3108E152D852BFBDB6BB43C3C7B63A04636F4FE003A88210254F9DC2BBBFEF6A4F243813...
> <
> FFE2EF6EDF9480E4C7BCC31BACCA0BEF3E1079D6BAA9A98B1DF5A86130E020D120A4647FB3...
> <
> 8BCA6D2900829DCD47BF4367D58F098B0F4C4F28599D9F5401BF93A0FB90B7B971B8934323...
> <
> 0475764406C1B925627BE3D61A99D88D9485D34FB8C688F7A590E7AF5397CBB0CDB468656A...
> <
> E8B006C277A8C9F9BA2DAF7F6B460A20D50F182DBFADFF3C1ABA5FF510D3C27C41B7B01175...
> <
> B3D8A7842D521B79C4DE45FB4D741FA761EB73309A0F968895F0C131DDE4310D14008D8578...
>   :

1024 bytes is two USB packets.  This suggests that packets are being 
dropped, and the toggle mismatch mechanism fails when it happens to two 
packets in a row.  However, toggle mismatches for incoming data would 
cause data to be duplicated, not lost -- I can't think how it ends up 
working out in your case.

Have you noticed any difference in the time it takes the program to run
with the hub present compared to a direct connection?  If it takes
longer with the hub, that's a good indication you're getting a lot of
failures and retries.

> The last diff is always the missing final 64KiB chunk: because since some
> data has been dropped in the middle, libusbx just hangs on the final
> libusb_handle_events_timeout_completed(), waiting for the final 16 KiB URB
> which will never arrive.
> The code is public, but fairly big; I could probably reduce it to something
> minimal involving libusbx, but without the FPGA as well, the prospects for
> someone else reproducing the behaviour are not great:
> https://github.com/makestuff/flcli/tree/20131026
> https://github.com/makestuff/libfpgalink/tree/20131026
> https://github.com/makestuff/libusbwrap/tree/20131026
> My main goal is to eliminate the possibility that it's me doing something
> silly. Maybe there's something up with the RPi's driver for my hub, but

If the hub driver weren't working, you wouldn't be able to communicate 
with the FX2 chip at all.

> maybe there's something wrong with my code, and it's just pure luck that it
> doesn't manifest itself on any other platform.
> I'd appreciate any clues.

Maybe it's not the hub itself but one of the USB cables or connections.  
Have you tried using a different brand of hub?  Maybe a powered hub?

Alan Stern

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