Thanks for the feedback - the timer is a great idea, I hadn't thought of.  
An implementation question:  when my timer callback function is called, a 
handle is passed.  I need to free this handle at end of callback routine, 

On Tuesday, July 21, 2020 at 1:20:32 PM UTC-5, Ariel Machado wrote:
> Some hints:
> * Don't use the event loop from the main thread in another thread. Libuv 
> is not-thread safe.
> * You don't need to create a thread to execute the heartbeat, use a timer 
> (uv_timer) to repeat the request.
> * Your code must support connection drop and reconnect even in http 1.1. 
> Send a header Connection: keep-alive to keep the connection open for Http 
> 1.0 server.
> * every time that the timer runs check  connection dropped and reconnect 
> it. When connected or if already connected send the heartbeat requested.
> * You detect a connection dropped by status on uv_read_start callback.

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