Hi all,

I've begun working on my first project using Libuv and I've reached the 
first hangup I couldn't resolve by either trying a million things or 
digging into the source code. 

My project runs in the Max/MSP coding environment (https://cycling74.com/). 
Their SDK API documentation can be found here 
<https://cycling74.com/sdk/max-sdk-8.0.3/html/index.html>.  Basically, I'm 
copying the audio signal (chunked into signal vectors by Max) from a 
callback that the audio card uses into a uv_buf_t and then using 
uv_udp_send to send that to a receiving program that copies the buffer in 
reverse to be used as playback on their separate machine/soundcard . So I'm 
trying to send audio from one user running Max/MSP to another, also running 
Max/MSP over the internet. 

I've been successful sending small, single, test messages between the 
programs, and also successful copying the audio signal, which is an array 
of doubles representing the sample data, and using that for playback on the 
individual programs. But when I try to send the copied sample data via 
udp_send from one to the other, the programs crash. If I run _just_ the 
sending program, it is fine and reports no errors. When I instantiate the 
receiving program by itself, it also seems fine. What this tells me is that 
it has to do with memory allocation in either the on_alloc or on_recv 
callbacks that udp_recv_start uses. I've allocated memory for the size of  
the signal vector in on_alloc (sys_getblksize() being part of the Max API 
which reports the signal vector size:

    buf->base = (char*)malloc(sizeof(double) * sys_getblksize());
    buf->len = sys_getblksize() * sizeof(double);

and free the buffer's base : free(buf->base); in the on_recv callback as 
per the documentation, but something about that doesn't seem right to me. 
How is the buffer getting passed between the two and does the freeing of 
memory in the recv_cb free the memory in the alloc_cb, or am I just VERY 
rapidly allocating memory without freeing it? 

I've got all of the code on GitHub here, for anyone that wants to take a 
look: https://github.com/dlandon86?tab=repositories. The send side of 
things is dl.netsend~ and receive dl.netreceive~. Its my first coding 
project... ever, so feel free to pick it apart! And I'm happy to give more 
info if it's required. I just don't want to make this post any longer than 
it needs to be. 

Thank you for your help!


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