On Tue, Jan 16, 2007 at 04:26:38PM +0000, Richard W.M. Jones wrote:
> Daniel P. Berrange wrote:
> >   http://people.redhat.com/berrange/libvirt/libvirt-arch-remote-2.png
> Thought provoking.
> It makes me wonder - should there be (or is there) a generic way to 
> remote C shared library calls?  This sort of thing exists in other 
> languages (eg. Java RMI).

The trouble with C is that there's soo many to choose from :-) There's
CORBA, XML-RPC, DBus, SunRPC to list but 4. The latter is interesting
because you can auto-generate the C stubs for client & server...if only
we can find a way to then layer it over SSL ?

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