On Fri, 2007-03-09 at 03:32 +0000, Daniel P. Berrange wrote:
> The UUID for the default network is not included in the example default
> config. So every time you restart the libvirt_qemud we get a randomly
> generated UUID. This isn't really in keeping with the idea of having a
> permanent UID :-) So I think we need to do two things:
>  - In the 'make install' routine - if-and-only-if the 
>        $prefix/etc/libvirt/networks/default.xml
>    file was newly installed, then stuff a random UUID into it, eg
>      UUID=`uuidgen`
>      sed -e "s,</name>,</name>\n  <uuid>$UUID</uuid>," \ 
>            $prefix/etc/libvirt/networks/default.xml
>   If the system doesn't have uuidgen, we can just ignore this step
>  - In the RPM %post section we need to stuff in a UUID at install time
>    if-and-only-if this is a new install - ie leave it alone during upgrades
>       UUID=`uuidgen`
>       sed -e "s,</name>,</name>\n  <uuid>$UUID</uuid>," \ 
>           %(sysconfdir)/libvirt/networks/default.xml

        I'd have no problem with something like this. A little tricky to
implement, but it should be fine.


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