On Tue, Apr 10, 2007 at 02:18:56PM +0900, Atsushi SAKAI wrote:
> Hi,
> I add comments to libvirt.h and libvirt.h.in.
> This purposes is 
> apibuild.py can correctly generate libvirt-api.xml&libvirt-refs.xml.

  Actually apibuild.py extracts the comments from the C files after 
having scanned the .h files.

> But if I use "union", apibuild.py does not work and
>  libvirt-api.xml is not included in union case.
> Is there any good idea?

  I need to fix the generator.
I'm always a bit vary of unions in APIs for the reason that different
compilers may handle them a bit differently (same thing for enums
arguments to functions). I guess in that case it will be hard to do
without an union, so I better fix the generator.


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