On Do, Mai 31, 2007 at 05:49:41 -0400, Glen Deem wrote:
> Hi all,
Hello, Glen.

> I've created an HVM guest under RHES 5 (Xen 3.0.3) using "xm create"
> but I cannot access it with vncviewer.
> The Virtual Machine Manager also informs about graphics console 
> unavailability.
> What am I doing wrong, please?
> I do
> >vncviewer 123.456.789.123:4,
> where 4 is the guest id.

Check if the domain is running:

# xm list

If the domain is running, 
check what tcp-ports are opened.

# netstat -lnp -A inet

or to list only vnc ports:

# netstat -lnp -A inet | grep :59

WBR, i.m.chubin

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