
As notified before I am working on a daemon that publishes domains and looking in the close future state changes. I have implemented this daemon so my webserver handler is able to figure out where to connect to in the network upon a request. In my opinion this functionality should be in libvirtd, but people highly differ on this opinion. Currently it is an external program that polls with an interval of 10 seconds.

This webserver has access to all certificates to connect to the remote boxes. And authentication can be based on HTTP_auth, thus also implement specific vm/functions to be accessed.


GET /libvirt/user/vm/virDomainGetID

Will look up user_vm using avahi, if not found, result in a 404. If the domain is found the result is returned in the body.

POST /libvirt/user/vm/virDomainAttachDevice

<disk type='file'>
        <driver name="tap" type="aio">
        <source file='/var/lib/xen/images/fv0'/>
        <target dev='hda' bus='ide'/>

Will look up user_vm using avahi, if not found, result in a 404. If the domain is found the command is executed using the post body. And the result value is put in the return body.

If anyone is interested in working on this or has comments shoot :)


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