On Thu, Jun 19, 2008 at 12:06:28PM +0200, Chris Lalancette wrote:
> All,
>      When doing the conversion to danpb's new memory API, a small bug was
> introduced into the qemudNetworkIfaceConnect() function.  In particular, there
> is a call:
>     if (VIR_ALLOC_N(vm->tapfds, vm->ntapfds+2) < 0)
>         goto no_memory;
> However, the tapfds structure is used to track *all* of the tap fds, and is
> called once for each network that is being attached to the domain.  
> maps to calloc().  So the first network would work just fine, but if you had
> more than one network, subsequent calls to this function would blow away the
> stored fd's that were already there and fill them all in with zeros.  This

Ahhh, so this is why it was only hitting oVirt - all my tests normally 
just had a single network interface.

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