On Sat, Jul 05, 2008 at 04:31:05PM -0700, Michael March wrote:
> I'm trying to figure out how to start a domain .. and I can't figure out 
> what method to use..
> When I do this:
> >>>  dir(conn.lookupByName('my-vm-1'))
> I get these options:
> ['ID', 'OSType', 'UUID', 'UUIDString', 'XMLDesc', '__del__', '__doc__', 
> '__init__', '__module__', '_conn', '_o', 'attachDevice', 'autostart', 
> 'blockStats', 'connect', 'coreDump', 'create', 'destroy', 
> 'detachDevice', 'info', 'interfaceStats', 'maxMemory', 'maxVcpus', 
> 'migrate', 'name', 'pinVcpu', 'reboot', 'resume', 'save', 
> 'setAutostart', 'setMaxMemory', 'setMemory', 'setVcpus', 'shutdown', 
> 'suspend', 'undefine']
> I don't see a method to start a domain up.. What am I missing here?

You want the create() method which python equiv of virDomainCreate()


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