On Thu, Jul 10, 2008 at 06:49:22PM +0400, Evgeniy Sokolov wrote:
>  for (i = 0; i < virNetworkDriverTabCount; i++) {
>                 if ((virDriverTab[i]->probe != NULL) &&
>                     ((latest = virDriverTab[i]->probe()) != NULL)) {
>                     probes++;
>                  .....
>                 }
>  }
> We use array virDriverTab, but cicle is to virNetworkDriverTabCount 
> which count number of virNetworkDriverTab drivers.
> I think virDriverTabCount should be used.

Yes it should.

So basically our auto-probe was only checking the first 3 drivers 
(we have network drivers registered from qemu, test & remote) 

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