Hi all, I'm Alejandro Berna from i2CAT (a non-profit foundation in
Barcelona, Spain, www.i2cat.net). I'm collaborating in a Europena project
called Federica ( www.fp7-*federica*.eu ). One of the branch of this project
is to permit virtualization of different hosts in the Federica test-bed. We
are doing some studies about the different management interfaces of Xen. Our
objective is to create a software remote client for Xen tool (in java if
it's possible) that can do (general functionalities):
- Create virtual machines assigning virtual interfaces.
- Permit choose the OS assigned to this virtual machine
- Install new applications to be tested in the virtual machines
- Configure a vm to become a router and permit to configure this router as
it was a physical router.

All these actions have to be performed remotelly. I have not found too much
information about libvrt but I think that can be usefull for our achieves.
If you agree that with libvrt we can perform these actions, maybe I can
build the java bindings for libvrt inside the Federica work. I'm waiting for
your opinions, thank you,

Alejandro Berna Juan
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