
Solved, i had to install libxen3-dev in order to make it work.

Thanks anyways :-)

On Fri, Jul 18, 2008 at 10:22 PM, Tom Verhaeghe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Hello
> I don't know if ruby-libvirt can work in a debian-based environment.  I
> installed kvm, libvirt, RoR, etc on Ubuntu and it all works fine.
> I pasted the output when installing the gem below.  I think the problem
> could be that libvirt is called differently in Ubuntu or stored on a
> different location.  Is there a way to get around?
> Thanks in advance
> Tom
> Building native extensions.  This could take a while...
> ERROR:  While executing gem ... (RuntimeError)
>     Error instaling ruby-libvirt-0.0.7.gem:
>     ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension.
> ruby extconf.rb install ruby-libvirt-0.0.7.gem
> *** extconf.rb failed ***
> Could not create Makefile due to some reason, probably lack of
> necessary libraries and/or headers.  Check the mkmf.log file for more
> details.  You may need configuration options.
> Provided configuration options:
>     --with-opt-dir
>     --without-opt-dir
>     --with-opt-include
>     --without-opt-include=${opt-dir}/include
>     --with-opt-lib
>     --without-opt-lib=${opt-dir}/lib
>     --with-make-prog
>     --without-make-prog
>     --srcdir=.
>     --curdir
>     --ruby=/usr/bin/ruby1.8
>     --with-_libvirt-dir
>     --without-_libvirt-dir
>     --with-_libvirt-include
>     --without-_libvirt-include=${_libvirt-dir}/include
>     --with-_libvirt-lib
>     --without-_libvirt-lib=${_libvirt-dir}/lib
>     --with-libvirt-config
>     --without-libvirt-config
>     --with-pkg-config
>     --without-pkg-config
> extconf.rb:16: libvirt not found (RuntimeError)
> Gem files will remain installed in
> /var/lib/gems/1.8/gems/ruby-libvirt-0.0.7 for inspection.
> Results logged to
> /var/lib/gems/1.8/gems/ruby-libvirt-0.0.7/ext/libvirt/gem_make.out
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