On Wed, Jul 23, 2008 at 03:16:57AM +0200, Stefan de Konink wrote:
> I think I have already sent an email about this to the list, but no reply
> on this specific point.
> Libvirt is currently capable of storing storage, networks, the only thing
> that is really missing is the direct storage of domains. I wonder if a
> patch would be accepted that stores defined domains (live) to disk upon
> change. Some sort of dumpxml per define/attach/etc. when a domain is
> undefined the file is removed.

The storage of persistent configurations is implementation defined. With
some drivers libvirt takes care of it directly, with others it is delegated
to the underlying hypervisor specific tools. We're not going to replicate
that in libvirt because it'll cause interoperability problems with tools
which aren't libvirt based

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