On Thu, Aug 14, 2008 at 09:42:09AM +0200, Stefan de Konink wrote:
> On Thu, 14 Aug 2008, ajishrao wrote:
> > You need to take care of only two parameters ID and VNC port, other
> > things will remain. If you want to put different path for disk you can
> > do that as well. API is already available to define by you own xml.
> > Even if you don't modify the id/vnc it doesn't matter, everything is
> > taken care by libvirt.
> Technically the VIF also changes, and what I see if I completely reuse the
> config, it automatically gets a <bootloader /> (I think it changes to hvm)

The <target dev='vifXXX'> element is ignored when creating a VM if it
contains an auto-allocated VIF name.

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