On Thu, Aug 28, 2008 at 05:02:29PM -0400, David Lively wrote:
> Does "host power support" belong on the TODO?
> (i.e. ??????virConnect{Poweroff,Suspend,Hibernate,Reboot}) 
> ???If libvirt is going to be the only external interface used to manage a
> virtualized host, it must be able to poweroff, suspend, (hibernate?),
> and reboot the host.  (For hosts that support IPMI/iLO or other power
> control interfaces, this isn't necessary, but there are plenty of hosts
> that don't support any of this.)

This is an interesting question - I honestly can't say whether this should
be within our scope or not. With things like poweroff, the application
requesting the poweroff may well want some form of confirmation or
guarentee.  This takes you into the realm of fencing / clustering software
which can provide these kind of capabilities.

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